The Palladio town and its hills

Vicenza, “the city of Palladio”, land of the jewel artisans and culture in a hill landscape, is a pearl in the heart of the Padania plain. In the 1500 the most important architect of the Serenissima Republic, Andrea Palladio, created an important number of villas and palazzi, town houses buildings, owned by the Venetian patricians.
Palladio was the most skilled architect to interpret the school of philosophy, art and culture of the Italian Renaissance, giving birth to the neoclassical architecture. His masterpieces have inspired next architects worldwide: for instances, influences are easily visible at the White House in the United States and the British Queen House.

Cycling in the architecture

The cycling is wonderfully gentle over the flatlands of the Plain and the low foothills of the Beric Hills, along peaceful canal side paths, passing sumptuous Palladian villas and tasting fabulous cuisine, appreciating typical local food of the tradition. Going down with the right speed approaching the Palladio town and its Roman style Olympic theatre that looked at the past projected towards the future.

Beyond Palladio

Staying in ancient villas and charming manor houses where you can find the union of art, history and modernity, allowing you to enjoy the deserved relax in the perfect harmonization of ancient and modern contexts with different styles, influences and cultures.